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Exploring the Benefits: CBD for Inflammation Relief

 CBD for inflammation

Most people know staying active is a crucial feature of a healthy lifestyle. But whether you’re dealing with joint pain or general fatigue, both acute and chronic inflammation can create barriers to fitness goals.

A growing body of evidence suggests CBD could be an ally in combating both types of inflammation. That’s because the compound helps support your endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is thought to play a key role in regulating your body’s inflammatory responses.

As it turns out, staying fit can require twice as much recovery time as training: to keep in top form, balancing the two helps keep your body out of an inflammatory state. From using CBD for knee pain, sleep support, or even as a salve for sore muscles, we cover 4 reasons why this plant-based ingredient could optimize your path to keeping fit and healthy.

Inflammation and Exercise: What’s the Connection?

Inflammation is a commonly used term, but its meaning isn’t always clear. Medical professionals and researchers divide inflammation into two categories:

  • Acute inflammation – This occurs in direct response to an immediate injury or trauma, like spraining your ankle. When your body is experiencing acute inflammation, you might notice swelling or a flushed appearance at a certain site of your body.
  • Chronic inflammation – This type of inflammation is ongoing. It may be in response to an endemic disturbance or a lifestyle factor, like smoking tobacco, excessive stress or not getting enough exercise. Often, chronic inflammation symptoms are systemic and can adversely impact one or more systems of the body (e.g. digestion and metabolism). Furthermore, chronic inflammation is a contributing factor in the development of various illnesses and conditions, ranging from cardiovascular diseases, underscoring its significant impact on overall health.

In essence, inflammation is a state of being your body enters into as it heals. But it’s important to understand that inflammation itself isn’t bad for your health — or your workouts. In fact, some inflammation is necessary for advancing your fitness level, like building muscle strength and mass.

Rather, problems can arise when inflammation does not resolve in healing or clear up on its own. For instance, exercising vigorously and frequently can also contribute to inflammation, whether it’s acute (like tweaking a muscle) or chronic (like feeling exhausted between sessions).

To ensure your workout plan fights against inflammation rather than aggravate it, it’s crucial to give your body the time and resources it needs to rest and repair. To that end, one of the best things you can do is support your endocannabinoid system— a major player in regulating your inflammatory response.

Understanding the Endocannabinoid System

Inflammation response is regulated by a variety of factors and systems in your body. One of them is known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The best way to understand your ECS is as a communications system that initiates, moderates and guides your body through some major vital physical and cognitive functions. Above all, it works to maintain balance, or homeostasis, in response to constantly changing internal and external environments.

The ECS touches a variety of bodily processes, such as:

  • Motor control
  • Appetite
  • Digestion
  • Sleep
  • Immune system
  • Mood regulation
  • Pleasure and reward systems

It’s comprised of three parts:

  1. Endocannabinoids –Molecules your body naturally produces to help maintain homeostasis and processes like inflammation and metabolic function.
  2. Receptors – These are located all over your body, and work to “receive” endocannabinoids. Where they’re located partly determines what actions are taken as a result (like regulating inflammation response).
  3. Enzymes – These help break down endocannabinoids once they’ve fulfilled their function.

Researchers believe that having a healthy ECS could be as crucial for maintaining basic health as it is for preventing many long-term illnesses.

While scientists aren’t yet sure how CBD works on a molecular level, its potency is likely due to its ability to bind to receptors already found in your body, helping to rebalance both daily functions and those that underpin your fitness progress.

4 Benefits of Using CBD For Inflammation

Whether you’ve just begun your workout journey or are looking for ways to re-inspire your wellness routine, evening out your inflammatory response can be crucial for clearing your wellness milestones.

Below, find out how CBD can work with your ECS to rev up your recovery and catalyze your long-term fitness goals.

#1 Can Help Soothe General Soreness and Discomfort

Researchers now know the ECS is highly involved in regulating sensations that result from injuries, aches and even chronic discomfort. CBD yielded positive results for its potential to work against three types of discomfort, including:

  • Nociceptive, which affects the tissues (as in a fracture or bruise)
  • Neuropathic, which affects the nerves (as in “shooting sensations”)
  • Mixed, which involves both types

So, if achiness or soreness has been preventing you from getting the most out of a workout, using CBD regularly could help support ECS function and boost your performance.

#2 May Promote Muscle Recovery

Both lifelong athletes and fitness newbies should keep in mind that inflammation is inherent to the process of muscle hypertrophywherein your body builds muscle mass and strength. Under strain (like weight lifting), muscle fibers are injured and break down, allowing them to build back stronger and larger. By potentially reducing inflammation and aiding muscle recovery, CBD for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike can play a pivotal role in enhancing overall athletic performance and aiding in the recovery process.

If you’re working on building muscle, CBD can be an excellent ally in supporting recovery and getting the most out of rest periods between training spurts. The more efficiently your muscles can recover, the more likely you’ll see sustainable progress over time.

#3 May Ease Swollen Joints

Frequent exercise — in particular, training hard in one sport or activity — can sometimes be taxing and cause joint pain. Most often, this is noticeable in major joints like the wrists or ankles.

In one animal study, several subjects exhibiting joint discomfort were given a moderate amount of topical CBD. In the trial, the CBD topical used was shown to mollify swelling at the site of application.

To that end, it’s thought that CBD topical oils and gels could pare down swelling in several important joints, including the:

  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Feet
  • Hands and thumbs

Topical CBD can be absorbed through the skin directly at the inflamed site. So, if you struggle with pre- or post-workout joint discomfort in these or other areas, using topical CBD oil could be an excellent support. For detailed information and top recommendations, refer to our guide on the best CBD oil products.

#4 May Promote Recovery By Supporting Sleep

Prioritizing rest to achieve physical fitness may seem counterintuitive, but a wealth of studies have shown that getting regular, high-quality sleep helps professional athletes optimize their performance and precision.

It’s thought that top-tier sleep allows for several restorative, performance-reinforcing processes, such as:

  • Tissue repair, allowing your muscles to build in strength and mass
  • Cardiovascular rest
  • Fortifying memory and skills retention and encouraging a more balanced mood

CBD has been shown to support sleep quality and quantity, and even reduce unease that can disturb our sleep. Because poor sleep quality has been linked to elevated levels of inflammation, adding CBD to your routine could counteract excessive inflammatory responses both directly andby promoting better rest.

Tips for Using CBD to Combat Inflamed Areas

If you’re dealing with post-workout inflammation and are curious to see whether CBD may provide relief, consider implementing it into your routine with the following helpful tips:

  • Identify high-quality CBD products – Since CBD has recently garnered attention for its potential health benefits, many companies are jumping on the CBD bandwagon. For this reason, the FDA cautions individuals from using products marketed with unproven medical claims, so be sure to find a company that uses high-quality ingredients and processing methods for their CBD products like Zebra CBD.
  • Choose the best formula for your concerns – Countless CBD formulas and vehicles are available, but they can’t all be used toward the same health goals. For instance, if you want to counteract muscle aches, look for a balm or oil you can administer directly to the area of complaint. For more general types of discomfort, consider using an ingestible form of CBD, like a tincture.
  • Weigh your CBD dosage carefully – More is not necessarily better when it comes to CBD. For instance, in one animal study, subjects who were given a larger amount of CBD for joint discomfort did not have better outcomes than those that received a moderate amount. For best results, be sure to use your product of choice as instructed, or consult with a healthcare provider to ensure you’re taking an appropriate amount.
  • Use your product consistently– Unlike an OTC painkiller, many CBD formulas work best over time with consistent application or use. If you can stick to a regular regimen, you’re more likely to see anti-inflammatory benefits.

Finally, if you’re already being treated for a preexisting or chronic health condition, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before introducing a new CBD product into your regimen. By interacting with the ECS, CBD can be powerful, and it’s crucial to ensure a new product won’t interfere with any protocols or medications you’re currently taking.

Remember, in many cases, CBD has been shown to complement clinical regimens and promote feelings of well-being. Just be sure to run your CBD dosage and product by a healthcare provider to ensure it supports (rather than inhibits) your mental and physical health.

Shop Anti-Inflammatory CBD with Zebra CBD

Whether you’re targeting an injury or seeking enhanced relaxation post-workout, Zebra CBD offers a variety of products to promote rest and advance your fitness progress. From CBD oils you can apply to sore muscles to edible CBD gummies that can support your nightly Zs, find more trusted and tested products by shopping Zebra CBD today.




  1. Verywell Health. What is the endocannabinoid system? Livestrong. Why the recovery period after exercise is so important? Cleveland Clinic. Inflammation: What is it, causes, symptoms & treatment.
  2. Cleveland Clinic. Signs that exercise is actually hurting your health. Healthline. Endocannabinoid system: A simple guide to how it works.
  3. Medical News Today. Endocannabinoids: What are they and what do they do?
  4. Healthline. Nociceptive pain: Types, phases, and treatments.
  5. Healthline. Muscular hypertrophy: The science and steps for building muscle.
  6. Cleveland Clinic. Foods that reduce inflammation after the gym.
  7. Medical News Today. Building muscle with exercise: How muscle builds, routines, and Diet.
  8. Healthline. 6 benefits and uses of CBD Oil (plus side effects).
  9. Cleveland Clinic. The best exercises to keep your joints healthy.
  10. Verywell Health. Here’s a breakdown of the basics of CBD for joint pain.
  11. Sleep Foundation. How sleep affects athletic performance. Harvard Health. How sleep deprivation can cause inflammation. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. What to know about products containing cannabis and CBD.

Co-founder of Copycat Copywriters, Adam has written for dozens of CBD and cannabis companies on a wide array of topics, including regulations, economics, farming practices and biochemistry.

About the Author

Adam Biederman Image

Adam Biederman

As co-founder and lead writer of Copycat Copywriters, one of Adam’s primary areas of expertise is within the budding CBD and cannabis space. He has written for dozens of CBD and cannabis companies, producing a collection of white papers, press releases, blog posts, articles and ebooks about a wide array of industry-related subjects, including regulations, economics, farming practices and biochemistry.

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