The chance of dying in a plane crash is roughly one in 11 million (according to PBS), which makes flying the safest mode of transportation.This is especially true for commercial air travel: Between 2000 and 2009, an average of 548 Americans died in airplane crashes each year, and 85 percent of those deaths occurred in private airplanes.
Nonetheless, fear of flying is a very real phobia, and if you have flight stress all you want to do is nap and wake up at your final destination. Some studies put the percentage of Americans who feel some nervousness about flying as high as 40 percent. Estimates from the National Institutes of Health say approximately 6.5 percent have such severe flight stress that they prefer not to fly at all.
Let’s look at why CBD may help you cope with it. Plus, we’ll give you “CBD/TSA tips” to help you seamlessly navigate bringing CBD onto an airplane. When you’re about to board your next flight, you can find our discrete and flavor-packed selection of cbd edibles for sale here. Read on to learn about the benefits of flying with CBD oil products.
What Causes Fear of Flying?
So, what causes flight stress anyway? Why do people get so nervous about sitting on a chair, zooming through the air 35,000 feet above the Earth’s surface?
One thing that doesn’t help is media coverage. Images of a plane crash can be terrifying, especially if you’ve been on a plane that experienced severe turbulence. Plus, there are people who suffer fromfear of heights, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of terrorism) all working together to fuel flight stress. The symptoms of flight stress include nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath and irritability.
Your options if you suffer from flight stress are:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT involves questioning your negative thoughts and emotions with the goal of determining where they are indeed realistic. If they aren’t, the idea is that you correct them and change your negative behavior pattern. Studies have shown that CBT helps people change patterns of thinking that prevent them from overcoming their fears.
- Fear of flying course. Many airlines offer fear of flying courses. These are usually group courses that are designed to instill confidence in people by having all their questions answered and sharing their apprehension with other sufferers.
Which brings us to CBD. CBD users have found that it helps alleviate stress, tension and has an overall calming effect on them — all characteristics you need if the thought of flying makes your palms sweat and unsettles your nerves. So it’s only natural to want to take a CBD oil product with you the next time you board a commercial flight. While there are tablets to help you with your fear of flying, there are many other CBD products to consume before a long flight. Our CBD gummies are a popular option and are one of the many hemp derived CBD oil products.
You are probably wondering, is CBD legal on airplanes? As of May 2019, the TSA started to allow hemp-derived CBD on airplanes. According to the TSA website:
“Marijuana and certain cannabis-infused products, including some Cannabidiol (CBD) oil with high levels of THC, remain illegal under federal law, except for products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis or that are approved by FDA. (See the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Pub. L. 115-334.) TSA officers are required to report any suspected violations of law to local, state or federal authorities.”
CBD/TSA Flying Tips
Here are six tips to keep in mind if you're considering bringing CBD on an airplane.
Tip 1 – Check with the airport on CDB regulation. Tell them what you want to do. Ask them what the rules are about taking CBD oil on a plane and about TSA's screening procedures. There are strict rules concerning liquids like some topicals and the amount of CBD you can bring with you in your hand luggage. For instance, this TSA web page indicates that bottles of liquids 3.4 oz (100 mg) are allowed in carry-on bags, and that any containers larger than that should be put into checked luggage. They do make exemptions for medications, but to qualify you’ll need to bring a medical marijuana license.
Tip 2 – Bring documentation for airport security. If you have a medical marijuana license, bring it. Also, bring the certificate of analysis of the product you bought to prove that the content is below 0.3 percent THC.
Tip 3 – Your preference should be to put it in your carry-on bag. This allows you to explain what it is and show the applicable documentation at the security screening.
Tip 4 – Don’t hide your CBD product when you go through TSA security. This makes it appear as though you’re trying to pull a fast one. Always be upfront with the TSA security officer.
Tip 5 – If you’re traveling internationally, always acquaint yourself with the cannabis laws of the country you’re flying to. You want to be prepared before you arrive at an international TSA checkpoint. If you’re going to a country where cannabis laws are still pretty primitive, it’s not worth the risk. (They include Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Iran, Thailand, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, North Korea, Philippines, Turkey, Costa Rica and Colombia). Keep in mind, some countries still have a death penalty for even small amounts of drugs.
Tip 6 – If you don’t need the CBD in flight, consider shipping it to your destination versus carrying it with you. If you are thinking of shipping CBD to your destination, make sure you understand the legalities involved.
If you believe that CBD’s calming effects will calm your nerves for flying and want to take it with you on your next flight, follow these six tips. When you do, dealing with TSA should go smoothly and your flight will be a much more pleasant experience..