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CBD Side Effects and Precautions For Health

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The following are three reasons many people are very comfortable taking CBD:

  • It poses an extremely low risk of addiction. Unlike alcohol and cigarettes, people do not get addicted to CBD.
  • It's nearly impossible to overdose on CBD supplements.
  • CBD is a natural substance. No deaths have ever been attributed to taking too much CBD. The cannabinoid is largely nontoxic and has limited side effects.

Before breaking down pure CBD oil or hemp extract side effects, it is important to understand that hemp extract is synonymous with CBD oil: Both are extracted from parts of the  hemp plant that are high in cannabidiol. (More on hemp oil and cbd oil here.)

Let's dig a little deeper into the side effects commonly associated with CBD administration and analyze the potential impact they may have for you as a new CBD user.

Side Effects CBD Users May Notice on Their Bodies

CBD and dry mouth. In a September 2019 article published on, the author refers to a survey that was done with 1,500 people; 12 percent of the people who responded said they experienced dry mouth after CBD administration. While this is not a huge percentage, if you do experience dry mouth from taking CBD supplements, it can be easily remedied by drinking water.

CBD and fatigue. While many websites list fatigue as a side effect of CBD, more study is needed to determine if this is true. CBD does not sedate the body as it does not have any psychoactive properties, so it follows that even with a large dose it should not result in fatigue. It's the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), found in cannabis sativa and indica, that has psychoactive properties which can make you tired. And while CBD does have trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3 percent), it's not enough to cause you to be fatigued. Of course, on the surface, this would seem to fly in the face of the claim that CBD promotes healthy, restful sleep. But that's not the case: It doesn't cause sedation, but it does stimulate the endocannabinoid system in a way that promotes a healthier sleep cycle.

CBD and appetite. A running gag used in movies about marijuana smokers is that they are susceptible to "the munchies." This is true due to THC. Many CBD users claim that CBD has the opposite effect, leading to increased appetite. The idea is that THC activates the CB1 receptors in the body, which stimulates the appetite. And CBD, while it doesn't deactivate the CB1 receptors, influences other molecules to block them. There are studies on rats that indicate this to be true, but there have been no studies done on human beings to prove it to be true.

Will CBD Oil Or Hemp Extract Make Me Sick?

CBD and blood pressure. Studies have shown that a large dose of CBD may result in a minor lowering of blood pressure. There are people who already suffer from low blood pressure (or are taking medication to lower blood pressure ), which is why it's always best to consult a doctor before taking CBD. (Note: A minor drop in blood pressure may result in you feeling lightheaded.)

CBD and diarrhea. There's a common misconception that CBD may cause diarrhea. But here's the thing: If you experience this adverse reaction after taking CBD, chances are it's not the CBD extract itself; it's more likely because the other ingredients.

In an article published on, Dr. Kenneth Brown, a board-certified gastroenterologist and doctor of internal medicine from Plano Texas, says, "In my practice, when someone has gastrointestinal issues with CBD, we start with the product, because many times that may be a reason they are feeling sick. Just like all other health supplements, the quality and the source of CBD oil make all the difference."

This finding emphasizes the importance of buying a high-quality CBD product that is manufactured using the highest standards.

Side Effects of CBD When Expecting or Breastfeeding

CBD When Expecting. If you're expecting or breastfeeding, because there isn't enough research available on either scenario, you may not want to use CBD just to be on the safe side. As with any decision that involves your health or that of your baby, you should talk with your doctor and/or pediatrician about whether CBD is a good option for you.

CBD Pills and CBD Tablets Side Effects

In 2017, the World Health Association released a report that concluded: "In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential. ... To date, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD."

This is extremely encouraging for CBD users. Of course, how one person reacts to CBD is different from the next person and different doses have different effects. That said, if you have a sound CBD dosage strategy (avoid megadoses, and start with a small amount, then move up as required), the side effects you experience should be limited.

The biggest issue with CBD is how it interacts with the other medications. If you take any prescription medications (including birth control), consult with a doctor or a health practitioner knowledgeable about CBD oil and/or hemp extract before taking it.

Summing It Up: CBD or Hemp Extract Side Effects

Great news: Pure CBD is a natural substance. No deaths have ever been attributed to taking too much CBD. It's largely nontoxic and has limited side effects. Start slow, with a small CBD dose, and analyze how the CBD product makes you feel. For more information about the health benefits of CBD oil or premium hemp extract oil, check out our blog about the endocannabinoid system.

About the Author

John Wood Image

John Wood

After a career in sales, John quit his job in 2004 to become a freelance copywriter. Having taken journalism in college, he had always harbored a desire to earn a living as a writer. John frequently writes for coaching services and health-based organizations. He especially enjoys writing articles that are inspirational, motivating and help make people’s lives better. John is a big believer in the power of CBD, and has written extensively on the subject. Find him at

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